Muslim boys names starting with m

Find all the Muslims Islamic Names with meanings for boys Alphabet beginning from ' m '

MaahiماهيAnother name for Prophet Muhammad
MaahirماهرSkillful, able, experienced.
MaajidماجدGlorious, honourable, generous, splended, Allahs attribute , Name Abdul Majid.
MaajidahماجدهGlorious, honorable, generous, splendid.
MaaliمآليNoble, sublime, Excellency.
MaalikمالكOwner, proprietor, master
MaaniمآنيOne who prevernts.
MaarijمارجThe 70th Surah of the Quran
MaawiyaماويةA young dog or fox (First Umayyad Khalifah)
MaazماذBrave Man
MaazinمازنProper name
MabadمابعدA place of worship
MabrukمابروكBlessed, prosperous.
MadanمدنName of the tutor of the fam
MadaniمدنيUrban, civilized, modern
MadhatمدحتPraise, lauding.

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