Muslim boys names starting with k

Find all the Muslims Islamic Names with meanings for boys Alphabet beginning from ' k '

KaadihقاضيهToiling,Making efforts
KaamilكاملPerfect, accomplished
KaashifكاشفUncoverer, pioneer, discoverer
KabaarkكبارقNoble, dignatories.
KabeerكبيرFreat, Grand
KabirكابيرGreat, grand, magnificent
KadeemقديمSlave to god
KadeenكدينFriend, companion, confidant
Kadeen kadinFriend, companion, confidant
KadeerقديرGreen Or Green Crop (Connoting Freshness And Innocence)
Kadeer kadirGreen or green crop (connoting freshness and innocence)
KaderقادرVariant transcription of QADIR
KadinكادينFriend, companion,confidant
KadirقديرGreen or green crop (connoting freshness and innocence)
KafalatكفالةTo help.
KafeelكفيلResponsible, Surety, Sponsor
KafiكافيSufficient, Al-Kafi

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