Muslim girls names starting with a

Find all the Muslims Islamic Names with meanings for girls Alphabet beginning from ' a '

AabirahعبيرهFleeting, transitory, ephemeral
AabishبيشDaughter of Sad who was a queen of Iran AN
AabrooعبروHonour, Fame, Dignity
AadabآدابHope and need
AadilaأدلةJust, Honest, Equal, Upright
AaeedahايدهVisiting, Returning, Reward
AaeeshaأعيشLife, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh
AafreedaفريدةCreated, Produced
AafreenعفرينBrave, Acclaim
AaidaأيضاVisiting, returning.
AaidahأيدهName of a narrator of hadith
AailaعائلةBeautiful, like moon.
AaimaأئمةLeader, ruler.
AairaأرىNoble, respectful
AakifaاقفىA lady who worship Allah in solitude
AakifahاكفهDevoted, Dedicated

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