Muslim girls names starting with Al

Find all the Muslims Islamic Names with meanings for girls Alphabet beginning from ' Al '

Al adur al karimahA pious, righteous and intelligent woman of Egypt She respected the Ulama and built religious schools Madrasah and mosques, She died in 762
AlamaraالأمارةAdorning the world
AleemaأليمةExalted, highest
AleemahأليمهKnowing, Knowledgeable
AleenaعليناSilk of heaven
AleshaالعشاProtected by god.
AlhenaالهناA ring
AliahالياهExaulted, noble, highest social standing
AlifaأليفةFriendly, sociable
AlimahأليمهSkilled in music or dance
AlinaاليناBeautiful Not verified
AlishaاليشاHonest, truthful, Protected by Allah.
AlishabaالإسهابBeautiful sunshine.

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