The meaning of the name Ashar

muslim names

The name Ashar (Arabic writing : اشار) is a Muslim boys Names. The meaning of name Ashar is " One who has wisdom "

Similar Muslim Names :

AshaasشاصScattered, Spread about
AshaathشاذScattered, Spread about, humble
AshabأصحابLion, Diffcult, Strict.
AshajشجAbu ad-Dunya al-Maghrabi
AsharاشارOne who has wisdom
AshazشاذOne in a million, name of a sahabi during the time of prophet There is a hadith praising his virtue of patience and obedience to parents
AshfaqاشفاقCompassionate friend
AshhalأسهلHaving bluish-black eyes
AshharاشهارFamous, popular.

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