The meaning of the name Muslima

muslim names

The name Muslima (Arabic writing : مسلمة) is a Muslim girls Names. The meaning of name Muslima is " Follower of the religion of Islam. "

Similar Muslim Names :

MusaddasمسدسA poem of six verses.
MusaddiqaمصادقةOne who affirms the truth.
MusaddiqahمصدقهOne who affirms the Truth
MusaratمساراتHapiness, Pleasure, Delight
MusaykahموسيقاهShe narrated hadith from Sayyidina Ayshah
MusfirahمسفرهBright Face
MushahidaمشاهدةObservance, evidence, study.
MusharrafaمشرفةHonoured, elevated.

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