The meaning of the name Hamna

muslim names

The name Hamna (Arabic writing : همنا) is a Muslim girls Names. The meaning of name Hamna is " Purple or black grape (a fruit - berry) "

Similar Muslim Names :

HamamaحمامةDove, pigeon.
HamamahحمامهThis was the name of a slave who suffered much punishment for the sake of Allah but Sayyidina Abu Bakr RA bought her and emancipated her
HamdaحمداPraised, laudation of Allah
HamdiyahحمديهOne who praises a lot
HameedahحميدهPraise worthy.
HamidaحميدةPraiser (of Allah), fem.
HamidahحميدهPraising Allah, appreciative
Hamidah hameedaPraiseworthy
HamimaحميمةClose friend.

Note :

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