The meaning of the name Dhul fiqar

muslim names

The name Dhul fiqar (Arabic writing : ) is a Muslim boys Names. The meaning of name Dhul fiqar is " Name of the Prophets sword "

Similar Muslim Names :

DhukaaذكاءThe sun, dawn, morning, suitable combination: Zukaa
Dhul fiqarName of the Prophets sword
Dhulfaqaarذلفقر(Zulfaqar) Name of a celebrated sword which fell into the hand of Rasoolullah (sallallaahualayhi wasallam) in the Battle of Badr and which was presented to Ali (RA). Note: It is incorrect to Say Fiqaa
Dhulkiflذلكفل(Zulkitl) Name of a prophet of Allah.
Dhunnoonظنون(Zunnoon) The title of Hazrat Yoonus (Peace be upon him) meaning The Man of the whale.
Dhushshimalainدهوششيمالاين(Zuthimalin) Name of a Sahabi (RA).

Note :

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